Tuesday, 27 November 2018

An Asset- The Hope

Image result for youthMankind owes to the child the best it has to give. -Anonymous

     With accordance to the Presidential Proclamation 267, every October of the year here in the Philippines is celebrated as the National Children’s Month. It is the time of the year when Filipino children are recognized as valuable assets of the country. This October 2018, we come ti celebrate and i’ts theme is “ISULONG: TAMANG PAG-AARUGA PARA SA LAHAT NG BATA.”

     The children are the assets and hope of our future, as Jose Rizal once mentioned. This is true as they are the next generation that will take charge of the whole world. It is important to mold them into citizens that will take care of our land for the betterment of all. At a young age, they must be taken care of, and fed with information and lessons that will further help them. They should not be abused or hurt. They should not be harmed or hated.

     Children are like pots made of clay. It may come in different shapes and sizes. They are molded in different and various ways. And every hand that cooperates into molding that little pot has an essential role in the growth of an individual. The way the pot will be shaped greatly affects the child. And so, we must be careful in molding these pots. We must have utmost care in the process of building it. Let us shape these pots not only properly but also with love.

     A pot has a lot of functions. Sometimes, it is for display, or maybe to contain objects. But no matter what the use may be, we must handle with care. We must be careful enough so that the pot won’t slip and break.

     Children ate truly the assets and hope of our future. Let us all contribute in building a brighter generation for the world. Let’s not wait for tomorrow to come. Let us start now.


Image Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj-vcvt6IzfAhVJEXAKHQ_PDRUQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fisha.sadhguru.org%2Fin%2Fen%2Fwisdom%2Farticle%2Fyouth-faith-belief&psig=AOvVaw046sdgKCevwF41Vws8i5hZ&ust=1544241172894387

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Accuracy and Responsibility

     There’s no doubt that technology has already affected the human life in various way. Be it in a positive of negative way, it truly made an impact to the whole world. Numerous technological advancements save time and make things easier, but some make people lazy. It may come in  forms of appliances, softwares, and even gadgets. And among these, gadgets are probably the most famous. But what exactly is the purpose of a gadget?

     Gadgets, sometimes called gizmos, are known to be technological objects that perform a specific task but is often thought of as a novelty. These help us accomplish daily tasks in a shorter amount of time than expected. It can be found in the kitchen, in your room, or just in front of your eyes.  Yes, the phone you use to capture photos, your Nintendo Switch for gaming, and the laptop you use to finish all your requirements are all examples of gadgets. Gadgets are sometimes means of communication between family members or friends. These allow us to interact and talk with other people. 
Image result for gadgets
     But with accessibility to these gadgets comes responsibility. In order to avoid its negative effects, we must use gadgets the proper way, and not to harm or bring other people down. We must be responsible in using it and not to use it against others. Gadgets are meant to help, and not otherwise. Let us use famous gadgets such as phones to connect, to interact, and to keep in touch with others, especially family and friends.

     This year’s EsP Month Theme, “Mapanuring Paggamit ng Gadget: Tungo sa Mapagkalingang Ugnayan sa Pamilya at Kapwa,”promotes the proper and responsible use of gadgets. Let us celebrate this month with that in mind!

Image Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjuh66y6IzfAhVVUt4KHTQFDnsQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pexels.com%2Fsearch%2Fgadgets%2F&psig=AOvVaw1zaWam_JzDkyebhlWCv3V1&ust=1544241047304431

Monday, 19 November 2018

READ, Dear!

Image result for blue books
     Jose Rizal is widely known for his heroism and intelligence. At age 3, he can recite the alphabet. By 5, he knew how to read and write. And at age 8, he already wrote a book. He is a polyglot of 22 languages, an ophthalmologist, sculptor, painter, educator, historian, playwright, and journalist. He achieved all of these within 35 years. Jose Rizal himself is a great example of the power and greatness of reading.

     Reading definitely broadens the knowledge and widens the vocabulary. Whether fiction or non-fiction, we are able to learn a lot of lessons that we can use in our every day lives. Reading helps us develop as individuals. When we read, we can gain more knowledge, and knowledge is the foundation of a grate future. But besides this, you will never be powerless or lonely ever again. Reading serves as our drivers and tour guides that allow and bring us to places that we never heard of. Reading gives us the ability to listen to the author's story, and smile, laugh, or maybe even cry with them. Reading may also be a portal that lets us visit the old times, the primordial era, and have a look at the past. Reading also opens our eyes to different rising issues and hot topics.

     Reading is truly powerful in its own way. Reading is the building block that assures a strong foundation for a better and successful future ahead of us. Come one, come all, and let us celebrate the Reading Month Celebration 2018. Channel your inner intellectual Rizal.

     PAGBASA: Susi sa Magandang Kinabukasan!

Image Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj32LWo64zfAhUGUd4KHeKMDZgQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F282389839105252880%2F&psig=AOvVaw3zbWtEXqG4JB8zr-b-6VlI&ust=1544241834725061