Wednesday 30 January 2019

A Year of Firsts

     2018 was definitely an amazing but tiring year. I have encountered so many experiences from which I learned so many lessons. I was able to build and lose friendships, travel to different places and experience extremely cold weather, and also lose a few pens.

     In 2018, my relatives came home from overseas. During their stay here in the Philippines, we visited La Virgen Milagrosa, and there, it was my first time speed boating. I was very nervous and scared at first, but I enjoyed every second of it- feeling the cold breeze against my skin.

     In 2018, I won the Regional MTAP Competition! It was my first time winning a team competition with my teammate, Henadine. It was a very unexpected result, but it felt nice and accomplishing, especially that I love Mathematics. Who knew that after years of fighting for the spot, I have won!

     In 2018, I was appointed the Corps Commander of the CAT I Unit of Ilocos Sur National High School. This is the first time I’m carrying a responsibility so heavy because I have to lead a whole unit of  CAT Officers. I felt a little bit pressured, but I am having a lot of fun now.

     In 2018, I joined my first ever debate competition. I became more aware of the nationwide events because of joining the said competition. It was amazing to see debaters from other divisions and witness how they justify their sides. It was a great training ground for public speaking and there, I definitely developed my confidence.

     In 2018, I got my hands on a few EXO albums for the first time. It’s cool to see how artists from another country produce their albums which includes photos, posters, and a lot of photo cards. I  had fun listening to their songs.

     And by the end of 2018, I was unexpectedly called to enter a team competition- the Provincial Sirib Quiz Show. This was definitely a nerve-wrecking one, considering the fact that we joined with no review at all. But with God’s Grace, we were able to make it to the top! It felt so surreal and accomplishing at the same time.

     2018 taught me so much- from being patient, to managing my time between studying and having fun, to working really hard, and being able to know my priorities. But as I enter 2019, there won’t be a new me but there is an improved me. This year, I look forward to entering Senior High School with a clean canvass, ready to be turned in a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. I look forward to happiness and more great memories with family and friends. I look forward to an even better version of myself, continuing to learn and discover, and a great year ahead. 

Monday 7 January 2019

Third Chapter: The Dusk

     As one chapter closes, another one opens. This time, I’d like to take you on my journey on a roadtrip, where we will travel far and deep in to a different world. Riding our vehicles, we will conquer the world. Come with me, as we take a peek on the third chapter of my story.

     As I go down the path and start my journey, I gain a lot of lessons. In the field of ICT, I learned to design a web page. It gave me the opportunity to develop my creativity. I definitely had a lot of fun doing so. But this Grading Period had a few hindrances.

     I easily get distracted. This is one of the challenges I needed to overcome. I get a notification, and my eyes turn to my phone. I see a dog, and my heart beats, telling me to go pet it. I easily got distracted, but I needed to focus. And because I easily lose focus, I wasted a few hours of the day surfing the internet instead of doing the tasks. My time went to watching Youtube videos instead of writing some notes. It was quite unproductive. But I needed to accomplish my requirements.

     I had to do what I had to do. I set aside my phone and pulled out my notebook and pen in front of me. It took me a while, and I got tired in the middle of doing my activities. I wanted to stop what I started. This roadtrip is very tiring. But it taught me that it is okay to take a break from time to time because I can get tired. It is okay to pause, but I shouldn’t stop. It is exhausting, and I also need to rest and take care of myself. It pushed me to finish my travel.

     I was so scared that it would start to get dark outside, so I wanted to be as fast as I could. The thought of traveling down a street in the middle of the night made me scared. So I wanted to appreciate the views on daylight, when I can get a full view of the sceneries. I wanted to drive as fast as possible, but I remembered that there is a speed limit. That made me ponder. How will I be able to appreciate the views when I’m going too fast? How will I be able to look at the beauty if I am scared? This taught me to always take my time.

     I didn’t finish my journey until dusk, and as I was driving back home, my eyes were blessed to see the beauty of sunsets. I never really thought that entering the darkness was this fascinating. And I am glad that I am witness of this gorgeousness.

    I drove home safely without traveling faster than the speed limit. This day was both exhausting and exciting, but as much as I didn’t want it to end, it had to. Thank you for traveling with me. I am looking forward to more fun activities in the future.