Tuesday 7 August 2018

First Chapter: The Beginning

     Over the course of 2 months, I have learned a lot of things- specially in the field of internet and blogging. I have learned how the internet started, what it really is, and how it actually works. In addition to this, I also learned how to create and start a blog, along with it's types. These information- specially blogging- are beneficial to me as a student as it develops my writing skills, widens my vocabulary, and enhances my creativity. Furthermore, I am able to share my ideas and opinions, as well as understand those of others.

     But in the duration of learning and applying these lessons, I encountered a lot of challenges. These challenges needed to be addressed accordingly. Listed below are some of the challenges I encountered and how I faced them:

     First is being able to compose an informative article to be posted on time. During the first articles, I did not know how to start my drafts. I had difficulties in writing because I had no idea on what to put.  So to address this, I always start with an outline of the whole essay. I also research for information by surfing the internet or by interviewing others. When doing these, I find it easier to write an article.

     Another is the difficulty in managing my time. I found it difficult to manage my time considering my first challenge. I always spend a lot of time in writing because I either get distracted and get nothing done, or I start writing but I do not have an idea on what to write. As a result, I would always procrastinate in order to finish them on time. But to lessen the cases, I started to remember and write down everything that needs to be done, or to be taken note of. By doing this, I can see the tasks that need to be completed first and I would start doing it. When I see a lot of things to be done, then I would get motivated to finish them all. Plus, I wouldn't forget to do a task because all are listed.

     Overall, the First Quarter was a great chapter. Despite the challenges, the interaction within the class was amazing. I indeed learned so much- even lessons that I can apply in my daily life. Moving on, I will surely apply what I learned from the challenges that The Beginning brought. I will take note of everything in order to avoid or lessen these challenges. I look forward to more colorful and fun Quarters and Chapters from the ICT Class.

     This is the end of the First Chapter. This is how my story begins.


  1. This is amazing! Really loved it!

  2. I can totally relate with this. It has been a tough quarter but it was also fun. Great work!

  3. Jooaaaa!! Your work is so amazing! Job well done sistuurrr! Love from the Ph!! HAHAHAHAHA mwah!

  4. I can very much relate to everything you have said in your article. You are such a wise person who also puts great effort and passion in everything you do. Keep up the good work! I'll be here supporting you every step of the way. :))
