Wednesday 4 July 2018

Thou Shall Not Forget

     Jose Rizal's Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo; Andres Bonifacio's KKK and as the Father of Katipunan; Apolinaio Mabini's courage amidst his disability; Gregorio Del Pilar at the Battle of Tirad Pass; all of them were a part of the spark of revolution. They came hand in hand to fight for Her freedom. They worked to the best of their abilities to serve Her right. They  fought even if it meant sacrificing their own life. They succeeded. They were free. And as we celebrate our 120th Independence Day this June 12, 2018, we come to commemorate all of their efforts to give Her freedom- Philippines' freedom.

     Whether fighting with their pen or their itak, all of our heroes should be thanked at and acknowledged for without them, we would have been under colonizers for a longer period of time. Their contributions may be different, but all had important roles in attaining what our beloved country longed for- freedom and independence. But are all of these recognized? Are all of their efforts known by the population? How can we acknowledge them when we are all imprisoned in Social Media's cell? Social Media should not be controlling us- instead, let us use Social Media as a weapon in reviving our nationalism. we can use it to post articles that raise awareness of our National Heroes, or share ones that do the same. Let us use it as a platform for our own betterment.

     "We are all in debt to those who have given their lives that we might be free." And to pay these debts, let us celebrate, commemorate,and show respect to our beloved heroes this Independence Day.