Wednesday 25 July 2018

Together We Can, and Together We Will

     Our organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work effectively. Without good nutrition, our bodies will become more prone to poor performance, fatigue, and disease. This is one major reason why a balanced diet is important. A balanced diet mainly consists of nuts, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Most of these fruits and vegetables can be grown in our backyard or garden. That being said, we come to celebrate the 2018 Nutrition Month with the theme, "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin!"

     The National Nutrition Council selected this year's nutrition month theme to be "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin!" It promotes the idea of family food gardening. In addition to this, it's goal is to improve the consumption of healthy foods by Filipinos. Families are encouraged to start developing their own food garden in order to be self-sufficient as possible. Having their own food garden would be beneficial as (1) there is food production at home; (2) some fruit and vegetables can be sold for additional income; and (3) this can assure the food security not only of the family but as well as the community. So let us start farming and be farmers ourselves.

     It is of great help not only to the community, but to the whole country, if families would start constructing and maintaining their own garden. These little things we can contribute can make a great difference. So develop a plan and pick up your tools. Together we plant, and together we will reap enough nutrition.