Saturday 20 October 2018

Second Chapter: The Ride

     This Grading Period is as thrilling as a carnival. It was a tiring yet exciting experience to conquer all the rides. With the Ferris Wheel of emotions, the Carousel of curiosity, to the roller coaster-like activities, I surely had a lot of fun.

     Half of the school year is in. And as I enter this carnival, a few challenges are encountered, and a lot of lessons are learned. Subject-wise, ICT taught me how Internet was accessed in various ways. In addition to this, I learned how to create and design a web page. But besides these, I learned life lessons that would help me develop as an individual.

     End of the Grading Period fast approaches, and now, challenges start to arise. 

     One of the biggest challenges was having to cope up with the activities I missed. I have not been able to attend to two weeks worth of class because of trainings and reviews for competitions. The number of requirements that need to be accomplished came in zooming like a fast roller coaster. The fact that the periodical tests are upcoming made it harder. 

     Jotting down notes was also hard because of the circumstances. I had a hard time understanding the lessons because I was not able to listen to the discussion. I only copied a few notes and I had to deal with it. A carousel of curiosity started to turn around my brain, hoping to know, gather, and understand even more information.

     Everything that happened in this quarter gave me a whole ferris wheel of moods and emotions. Sometimes, I felt like being at the bottom and just felt low. But some other time, I feel like being on top and it makes me appreciate the beauty of everything that takes place around me.

     Maybe this chapter was exhausting, but if there’s one thing it taught me, it would be coping up with the activities I missed. I learned to manage my time and divide it accordingly so that I can take the quizzes, perform the exercises and learn the lessons I missed. It taught me that when I want to conquer all the rides, I must not waste any time, and make the most of my experience. I should enjoy every ride while it lasts, because I don’t know when it will end.

     After all the rides comes the end to my carnival experience. Just like any other kid, I would not want it to end, but what I felt by the end of the day makes me want to come back everyday. I hope for more experiences in the future, because my ride this time was totally awesome. I will surely apply what I’ve learned this day in the future. I look forward to more great chapters.

All for Human Rights, Human Rights for All

     It is indeed the season to be jolly, because now, we come to celebrate the United Nations Month! It is an annual celebration to showcase different cultures from different countries and continents. This year, the theme of the celebration is “Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity”.

     The theme ensures that no one is left behind, even those “furthest behind” are included. As it suggests, let us include everyone, not only those with influence or with power. It aims to end poverty and defend the human rights and dignity of people living in poverty, because at the end of the day, we all are human beings that live with different circumstances.

     In addition to this, the theme for this year emphasizes the recognition and respect for human rights. The issue keeps on growing, but the disrespect on human rights should stop now. The theme of UN for 2018 reminds us of this- that the dignity and rights of every human being should be respected all the time.

     The idea of human rights is as simple as it is powerful: that people have a right to be treated with dignity. Human rights are inherent in all human beings, whatever their nationality, place of residence, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status is. Every individual is entitled to enjoy human rights without discrimination.

     Respect for human rights should always be observed. Wether it be for the poor, the influential, the tall, or the wise ones, let us ALWAYS show our respect. Let us not rely on reminders, but let it be an everyday thing.

Heroes and Magic

     A student may stumble and fall, but she has a hero to help her stand back up. A student may not see the way clearly, but her hero is there to light her way. A student’s journey would not be successful without the guidance of her hero.

     Every September 5 to October 5, we give recognition to these heroes for burning themselves with the betterment of students in mind. We give our thanks to them because they are our second parents. This is the time when we, students, give back the efforts of these heroes. WE CELEBRATE THEM.

     From the moment we entered the school, our teachers are there to help us in every way. From counting 1, 2, 3, to singing Do, Re, Mi, to reciting A, B, C, they are there to guide us. They never get tired of teaching and molding students into the best version that us, students, can be.

     Imagine the world without teachers- there wouldn’t be architects, or doctors, or even lawyers if it isn’t for our teachers who sacrifice so much. Teaching is indeed the noblest profession, and there is magic in teaching.

     These are only a few of the reasons why we should celebrate our teachers- our heroes.

     Not only do they teach, but they also touch lives.

     And if you are reading this, thank a teacher.

Abilities, Potentials, Advancements

     The month of September is recognized as the National Science Club Month. It is being celebrated annually. This year, we celebrate the NSCM with the theme, “Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements”. It aims to encourage students to maximize their potentials and create new inventions.

     Over the years, people’s lives have been greatly affected by the number of inventions and innovations that make things more convenient. Some of these are even considered as needs, as they are being used on a daily basis.

     One of the great personalities behind the development of this advanced world we are living in is Michael Faraday. He is a British scientist who developed the concept of electromagnetism which involves both electricity and magnetism. Through this concept, people are able to showcase their talents in creating inventions and developing innovations to make work more efficient.

     Let’s take for example, the speaker. It is hooked up to your new smartphone and contains a small electromagnet or voice coil inside of it, as do all devices with speakers. The electromagnet translates the electrical current into sounds you can hear by vibrating the paper cone or diaphragm. 

     With the theme, young minds are encouraged to use their knowledge and maximize their abilities in order to activate any form of technological advancement, just like the speaker, and channel their inner Michael Faraday within them.