Saturday 20 October 2018

Abilities, Potentials, Advancements

     The month of September is recognized as the National Science Club Month. It is being celebrated annually. This year, we celebrate the NSCM with the theme, “Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements”. It aims to encourage students to maximize their potentials and create new inventions.

     Over the years, people’s lives have been greatly affected by the number of inventions and innovations that make things more convenient. Some of these are even considered as needs, as they are being used on a daily basis.

     One of the great personalities behind the development of this advanced world we are living in is Michael Faraday. He is a British scientist who developed the concept of electromagnetism which involves both electricity and magnetism. Through this concept, people are able to showcase their talents in creating inventions and developing innovations to make work more efficient.

     Let’s take for example, the speaker. It is hooked up to your new smartphone and contains a small electromagnet or voice coil inside of it, as do all devices with speakers. The electromagnet translates the electrical current into sounds you can hear by vibrating the paper cone or diaphragm. 

     With the theme, young minds are encouraged to use their knowledge and maximize their abilities in order to activate any form of technological advancement, just like the speaker, and channel their inner Michael Faraday within them.

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