Saturday 20 October 2018

Heroes and Magic

     A student may stumble and fall, but she has a hero to help her stand back up. A student may not see the way clearly, but her hero is there to light her way. A student’s journey would not be successful without the guidance of her hero.

     Every September 5 to October 5, we give recognition to these heroes for burning themselves with the betterment of students in mind. We give our thanks to them because they are our second parents. This is the time when we, students, give back the efforts of these heroes. WE CELEBRATE THEM.

     From the moment we entered the school, our teachers are there to help us in every way. From counting 1, 2, 3, to singing Do, Re, Mi, to reciting A, B, C, they are there to guide us. They never get tired of teaching and molding students into the best version that us, students, can be.

     Imagine the world without teachers- there wouldn’t be architects, or doctors, or even lawyers if it isn’t for our teachers who sacrifice so much. Teaching is indeed the noblest profession, and there is magic in teaching.

     These are only a few of the reasons why we should celebrate our teachers- our heroes.

     Not only do they teach, but they also touch lives.

     And if you are reading this, thank a teacher.

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