Saturday 9 March 2019

Fourth Chapter: The Night

     Darkness is growing and the sun has set. My friends, I invite you to watch and gaze at the billions of stars in the sky. Join me on the last and final chapter of my story, where we will see and witness constellations and stars shining in the nighttime.

     The end has just begun. This quarter, Photoshop is the center of our classes in TLE. I learned how to lay out a page- how to manipulate layers, inserting photos, adding text, and the likes. It’s amazing how the digital world works!

     But as my last chapter is being wrote, my heart is filled with different feelings. One of which is pressure. I felt a little bit pressured because of the standards that people around me have set. I was scared of not meeting their expectations. I feared being called a failure. This feeling was both positive and negative. It became a negative thing because I cared and focused too much on what other people told me, and I forgot to focus on myself. But I also took it as a challenge- a way of improving myself.

     In the middle of the way, I realized that we have less time than we think. It saddens us that in one way or another, we will part ways. In less than a month, we will walk different paths, enter different strands, and take different careers. Some of us may still be intact in the future, but one thing is for sure- we will be one step closer to achieving our dreams. And though we will meet new people, I hope we will not lose the friendship we created.

     The end is nearing, and let’s take a look at the stars- to gaze at the memories we made this school year. I see one bright one- when we attended the recollection last February. MBabies,  remember the time we joined the Speech Choir Competition? It’s up in there too! And the making of the NDEP Corner! Even the times we played Chinese garter- it’s shining so bright! Don’t forget the Christmas Program and the numerous campings we attended. Oh, those late night talks and jammings brought back so many memories! I can see the time when we went to Plaza Burgos to watch the Teachers and Students’ Got Talent, and the times the trainees had their Team Building Activities. Oh, all the great memories we all shared.

     This time, I am no longer afraid of the dark. This chapter taught me to make the most out of the time we have, because we may not be aware of when it will end. Cherish every moment. Put your heart out. Live like no other. Veni. Vidi. Vici.

     I don’t want this story to be rewritten because I don’t think my journey with the people around me couldn’t get any better than this. I am not ready for the day to end, but I guess this is the time for us to have a short rest- because a new day is ahead of us.

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