Saturday 9 March 2019

Hope and Future

Someday, I want to become a teacher.
I wish to be an engineer like my father.
I’ve always wanted to be a chef.
My goal is to turn into a lawyer.
Politics sounds nice- I might be the President one day.

     These are some of the common dreams of the youth. I oftentimes hear these sentences uttered by little kids. We all have different dreams in life. Some of us would like to pursue writing, or maybe even sports. Some even want to create and establish their own businesses.

     “Be a very determined and passionate dreamer. Dream big, bigger than the stars. And when you have set an aim, go for it. Catch it like it meant the most to you,” they once said to me.

     At a very young age, I have always wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to be able to save the lives of people. I wanted to make sure that everyone had good health. I always told everyone around me that I should be brave and be a hero who will save lives in the field of medicine.

     But then, as years went by, I started to change my mind. I then wished to become an accountant. My sister and my godmother gave me the idea to take up accountancy. I was eager to learn how to balance. I also wished to learn how to write financial statements.

      Now, I have an idea on what my future will be. I hope to become a statistician. I want to be knowledgeable when it comes to the population, or arranging data. I’d like to deal with numbers,  organizing and interpreting them.

     Whatever dream we have for our future, we must ask ourselves: Will it spark joy? If it is something that we will do in the long run, we must always consider our joy, because that is one of all of us’ dreams- to be happy.

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