Saturday 9 March 2019

The Festivity

     Mark your calendars, because it’s going to be the 117th High School Day!

     Yes, folks. The first and second days of March marked my last High School Day experience as a Junior High School student. But unfortunately, I was not able to be physically present and join the celebration. Nevertheless, I still felt the spirit of it with the help of my friends.

     Early February, you can already feel the preparation for the said event. The canvassing is just around the corner. The list of names of candidates starts to pile up. Whispers of tunes remixed into one can be heard. Dancers start to sway gracefully to a brand new choreography. Students of the same grade level begin to compile either in the gymnasium or athletic field. As the first day of March is fast approaching, the tension is a little bit rising. Songs are getting louder and students create formations. Some officers start to train, and the Royal Court is known. Here it is, here it goes.

     It’s Friday afternoon, and the gym is filling up. Officers are outside and getting ready. Princes and Princesses are dolled up, entering the gymnasium. Fellow students are amazed with the beauty they showcase. And on the same afternoon, they were crowned.

     The following morning, a parade of all students was conducted. Girls and Boys of all grade levels come together to show everyone their costumes and props. In the afternoon, the Arrival of Honors was conducted. And after which, the highlight of the day, the field demonstration. As students started dancing, cheers were heard here and there. This yeas year, there is a twist! Teachers also performed! The day ended with the victory in Grade 8’s hands.

    I hope that in the next High School Day Celebrations to have more more activities. I wish that there will be more things that require involvement of students. And though I am in another place, the festivity is still with me.

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